Beatrice Browne's team
Here are two photos of Beatrice Browne and her team in their community gardens.

There are more than 1000 volunteers working for personal & social change through the Humanist Movement at the Budaburam Liberian Refugee Camp outside of Accra, Ghana, including a Campaign for Non-violence and Fight Against Malaria, among other projects. Initially, information will be posted from Chicago, but soon those in the camp will be posting here directly.
HI! This is so good to see but which Zone is this project in? And do you have a source of seeds to plant? I really would like to know.
I sent this comment to Beatrice by email so she and you could hook up. She lives right behind the mansion. The gardens are spread out. One is directly to the east from the mansion, on the edge of the camp. One is up by the road. I'm not sure where the 3rd one is.
THANKS TED! we have decided to help one young man at the camp - one who did not ask for any help! He is at loose ends as most are, looking for things to do. He says he does not believe expatriation to other nations is a good idea for Liberia. He thinks he should go home when he can although he has nobody there and no place to go. In the meantime he wants to do whatever there is available to help the situation now. I hope we can connect on this. momager57
Who's "we". Do you have a website? Would love to find out more about what you're doing. And I hope you're able to reach Beatrice to talk about her project.
Ted - would you believe Outlook did not post your email address for me. Can you write to me at again? My friend in the camp is going to try to contact Beatrice to offer some help to the project and I have other news for you, Thanks, momager
just emailed you - thanks
Hi Ted,
my name is guy. i spent time in Buduburam, doing work for an NGO on the camp. I also returned to the camp, and am doing research on aspects of life there. i would appreciate it if you could email me. im very interested in this 'humanize the earth' project that youre running. i look forward to hearing from you, Ted.
please write me on:
kind regards
Hi Ted,
my name is guy threlfo. i spent time on BUduburam as a volunteer - 3 months in 2006. and i returned in 2007 as a teacher, as well as a researcher. i have been reading about your group, humanize the earth, i would appreciate it if you could contact me. i wish to learn more about the project and its aims. you can contact me at
kind regards
Hi Guy,
You'll notice that this effort is over 4 years old. I haven't been to Ghana in that time. The project failed. Sorry about that. Please see for the latest on the Humanist Movement. Or Google Humanist Movement Ghana. Good luck!
dear ted I dont know if you can get intouch with Beatrice to find out if she is the same person, whom married a man named John Browne in London in 1998 and late of 122 odessa road forest gate. london. if so its important that she contacts me, at
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